Sunday 16 December 2012


It's that time of year again. Christmas and all that. The geese are looking a bit shifty - with good cause as it happens.In the meantime, they have been enjoying the mild weather of a last couple of days.
Mr Crofter Sir is working hard with the toof factory while Mum & Dad Crofter keep things animule in order.

 Mum Crofter in the sun

 The Crofter in the toof factory

Dad Crofter standing by the tractor which is currently - working ! Yay!

They will have to celebrate though - and wish all 'their' readers a wonderful festive season and a fantastic 2013. As I do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the thought. Same to all over there in the Hebs. Hope the weather remains kind to you all!


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