Monday, 10 November 2014


The end of Diogenes as we knew him. Now nestling in the freezer, he succumbed to the knife last week and Mr Crofter sized him down into edible bits. It's a family affair butchery with Dad Crofter dicing the ickle bits for stews, The Crofter weilding The Big Knife, Mum Crofter sorting the packing and newcomer Gemma Crofter wrapping and sealing the bags. All day they carried on.

Apparently, this is getting ready for a Salmon cut. No, I didn't know what it was either - but then I'm a fish eating veggi.

And this was his dodgyknees. The coows not the Crofters.

And here's Ms Crofter supervising Mum Crofter in the packing/wrapping dept. And sticking on the beautifully designed labels too.

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