"Short back and sides Maam?"

Whirrr, whirrr "baa", Shurrup you dozy...., "baa". Whirr whirr

No time to look at the view.
Whilst the sun was shining again today - only the third time this year - or so it seems, The Crofter and his aids took it upon themselves to shear the rest of his little sheep flock. Hebridean sheep may be small but they are so very pretty but frisky when you want to catch them. Out came the electric shears, a few hurdles and soon the cutting was underway. No doubt in another life Mr Crofter would be called "Vidal".
Its a fine thing to do this hearing lark - on a fine day overlooking the sea with the breeze blowing across your bare arms and the sheep head-butting where ever they can. Unless you are actually doing the shearing and not just taking photographs.