It wasn't all easy you know, getting them coows into the corral. Lots of arm waving, dancing, entertaining them holiday kids sat on the wall ["get off and milk it mate !"], coows going in, out, through and pooing. Mr Crofter cursing, running, smiling and complaining. I've heard it all before mind. A few times and all that.
Partly in. Mrs2b patiently waiting her orders from The Great Man.
The wondering what to do after an exodus on animules from the corral, bucket of tempting food in hand, dancing stick ready.
Some in, some out, Mr Crofter 'throwing a shape' as another coow or three look on from down the croft. "The vet'll be here in half an hour, then they'll be trouble" Mr Crofter warned.
The coows came in and the vet came a couple of hours later!
Sunday out
Sunday was my friend's duty day at the Arts and Crafts group gallery in a bright and early start to be there before 10am opening time.
6 hours ago
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