Sunday, 10 May 2015


When I snook down to the Big Shed yesterday in the sunshine, The Crofter et all were just sorting the place out after the recent lambing. Little sheeps all over the croft, in the small barn, in the house and still, three mummy to be sheeps in The Big Shed. There's over thirty of the little Hebridean- guinea-pig crosses this year. How's that for nooky eh?

Meanwhile Doonray/Doograe/little coow was running all over the shoppe like an oversize strange sounding lambette. Not surprising really since twas his first day in the big world. Not sure what he thinks about the world today as the rain hoofs down.

At least Mum was calm although I don't think that's the same Mum who tries to take my arm off. At least I hope not.

1 comment:

  1. Losing an arm to a savage coo might cos problems on the photo front, so take care. And, never overlook the propensity of ravenous sheep to strike a save blow when least expected. remember Geoffrey Howe......


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