Sunday, 1 December 2013


Oh joy of joy. The shovelling of the smelly stuff out of the hutches has proven beneficial with a plethora of little piglings running hither and thither around the place, eating The Crofter out of house and home. Two lots of piglings as it happens. Two extra loads of smelly stuff too.

They are lovely though. Tis a pity they don't stay like that - all small and cudley. Could fit a couple of them mantle-shelf here to hold the books up. Though thinking on, they books may go haywire - or get eaten.

The geeses are still shouting at everyone who comes within earshot - and some who don't. Anyone want a goose for Yuletide lunch? I'll get the little b***ers quiet somehow.

Dad Crofter is smiling on - as usual.

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