Mr Crofter, on a better day
He's not up out of bed. I knew he wouldn't be up this early - sort of 11am and all that. You see Mr Crofter was out of the locality last night living the high-life in New Tolsta which, as it happens just happens to be north of North Tolsta. How did that happen?? Well, I could tell you but it is a bit early in the year for the historicals.
Anyway, Mr Crofter went over to a lovely family for a glass of iced water and a chat before the bells chimed twelve. I went along too with my partner Eve and had a fine time meeting Lassie, Midge and a lovely family. We left Mr Crofter there playing with a radio-controlled tractor [what else!] and came home to bed. I wondered if the iced water was going to last the evening. It didn't and The Crofter resorted to an amber nectar I'm told.
I went down to The Croft all full of energy and good will this morning to find Dad Crofter chatting to Donald six-tractors over t'fence. 'Six'? I hear you exclaim! Tis inflation an that I'm told. Not only that but one of those six tractors - not sure if it's a red one - has four wheels that work. Or something like that. Maybe all four wheels drive - unlike Lucy the Land-Rover who seems to have hidden that capability of late. Pleasantries and wishes for the year ahead were exchanged while Mr Crofter huddled in his bed no-doubt planning the year ahead.
And nursing a sore head.