I know, it's been ages since I posted here - but I have my reasons. Valid ones that is.
Only yesterday I noticed the arrival of a new beast.
There he is snugged up to the big shed keeping out the wind and sunning its self in the unexpected and welcome sunshine that has been around the place this week. As it happened, I passed a trailer loaded with the thing as I drove home from work one evening. Didn't realise it was coming to the Crofter and everything. I mean, he still has the PoR, the 5yearPlan mobile not forgetting the Pimpmobile2 and the Quad plus the digger thing. Oh, you boys do like your toys.
Here he is proudly moving sh,,, stuff to somewhere else at the beck and call of The Crofter while Dad Crofter slowly backs up the Pimpmobile2 after pulling the NewTractor out of the mud.
Yes, the Crofter managed to get the thing well and truly stuck!
Artist statement
Not as much as a CV....
"I have been making in clay for nearly 60 years, on and off.
I studied ceramics at Cardiff College of Art. I have worked for sev...
5 hours ago