Friday, 30 September 2016


And since you were waiting for it, here's Mrs Crofter tutting over the brakelight. Another job to do after painting the PoR pink.

Mrs Crofter has been very busy. Aprt from sorting the trailer light out, feeding the coows and all Gemmima has been busily baking for the Charity Macmillan Nurses coffee morning at the Hotel where she works. Great cause and The Crofter has gone along to in support too.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


I was out with the Crofters today running around a croft trying to catch sheeps. Apparently they sold a few but had to get them in first. I was wasted. Had to go to sleep afterwards. I'd also been out to the coows and into the big shed where an assortment of creatures were playing.
 where Mr Croftger tickled Rosie's things for some reason !

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Mr Crofter is Ok too. Still toiling away making teeth for the toothless and earning a crust for the ever changing amount of mouths to fed. Two  new calves recently.

Friday, 9 September 2016


As summer turns to Autumn, Mrs Crofter sews a Harris tweed bed cover for the Ferrets - I think.