Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Outside from inside the tooth factory

It wasn't quite as warm today. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and the residue of the smoke from the fires on the moor was hanging about. The Crofter wasn't. He was in the tooth factory working, earning money and all that.

Outside, the animules were eating the money - or might as well have been. I noticed Dad Crofter sorting through the silage bales trying to find one that was not mouldy. It seems the damp weather we had these months past have not been good for the stuff. And coows can't eat it if it's mouldy. Gives them tummy ache. Or worse.

Outside Dad Crofter tries to smile.


The Crofter eats cake. Again.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Dad Crofter on high

Whilst the sun is shining and The Crofter is taking it a bit easy, Dad and Mum Crofter are painting the gaff - the kitchen anyway. It's white since you ask.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


So yesterday I took off to visit The Crofter. It's only 2 mins walk to be honest but I have a life to live don't you know. Mr Crofter had been very busy that morning doing the village shop morning collection - papers and the like - from Stornoway and managed to squeeze in a bag or two of feed on the way.

 The aminules eat The Crofter out of house and home and feed is not getting any cheaper either.

Mum Crofter checks it's all in place in the ex-kitchen/storeroom.

And just so you know, Mr Crofter is fine. Despite a trip to hospital yesterday, he's back at home and been up drinking our tea!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


There are new guards down at t'croft. You can't sneak up quietly any more and catch The Crofter doing something he shouldn't be doing.

What are they for? Eh?

The Crofter has finished re-fashioning his kitchen now, the ex-kitchen is cut in half and now resmbles another store. Which I suppose it is now.

The sheeps have been in for a freshen up - into the croft, not the kitchen - and reside back out on the beach side awaiting their time for lambing. When that times comes around they trot back to the croft for a little tlc from The Crofter.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Happy Birthday [for yesterday] Sir Mr Crofter Sir. Nearly 40 now and not looking a day under 50 :-) .
So, he had a cake [and a bottle of wine]. Baked and decorated by my dear Eve and decorated with a flying pig on a bed of marzipan sh*te. Eh? He's a crofter isn't he?
We ate some too.

And yes, it's all film images - the colour being Fuji Instax.

Friday, 2 March 2012


Unaccustomed as I am with this sun stuff......

The sun shone yesterday. There was little wind and it was really quite lovely. Completely threw the Crofter and his dad who had been planning to work inside. I went down to see how they would cope with the odd weather. Nothing much happened. I turned to go home passing by a lovely vista of the village at it's southern end. Nice innit?

and if you turn the other way....